You are my Sunshine... My only Sunshine...

       As you travel down the path that was marked "Field of Daisies" you can't help but notice the warmth of the air.  You pause when you come to a white picket fence to look across the blooming field of white and yellow dotted here and there by trees. "It's a field alright..." you mutter as you reach for the gate.  
       "It's more than just a field, dear traveler! It's a field of daisies and home to many gentle equine!"
       You blink in surprise at the voice, then look around quickly in confusion, not seeing anyone else.
       "Up here!" comes a jolly voice above you.
       You look up and blink, reeling back in surprise.  Hanging there in the bright blue sky dotted with white clouds that look like cotton is what appears to be a smiling sun.  Unable to formulate a coherent sentence, you stammer out a few syllables which sends the sun into a fit of bouncing laughter.
      When it finally calms itself enough for futher conversation, though you are still speechless, it introduces itself.  "I am Sunny.  Welcome to the field of daisies. By some strange fate or magick, it's always spring here... eternally in bloom.  Come! Come! Let me introduce the inhabitants!!"  
Beams Wildfire Bingo      Without waiting for a response of any sort, Sunny bounces off into the field.  Hesitantly, certain you have lost your mind, you follow.  When you catch up to him next to a small brownish colt and an blue painted pony, the jovial oration begins.
       "Beam's Wildfire and Bingo were the very first inhabitants here in the field.  They were just here one moring when I got up.  They love to play together and everytime I try to go to sleep, they start up enough noise with the others to keep me awake!"
       Bouncing right along, not even giving you time to question the blueness of the pony, Sunny continues his oration and you hurry to catch up to him... or at least stay within hearing distance.  He bounces to and fro in a weaving pattern, leading you in a merry chase around the trees in the very center of the field.  You finally catch up to him near a golden unicorn and one of white.
     "Now, now, Raindrop" you hear him saying as you approach, "you know today is Soleil's day. We can have rain on another day.  Though we don't ever need it, everyone loves to play in puddles!!"
      "But I wunt wain tewdaaaaay!!" replies the white unicorn.
      Your eyes widen at once.  "It talked!!" you shout out.
Soleil Raindrop
       Both unicorns and the sun look at you as if you've gone quite insane.  Finally Sunny responds.  "But of course she did."  Without another word, he bounces off and you again follow with an amazed look of disbelief back at the two unicorns still arguing about the weather.
       Back around the trees you go, then off to the left, zig-zagging through the daisies swaying in a sweet and gentle breeze.  So intent on watching Sunny are you that you almost collide with another unicorn, this one with a rainbow of colors for a mane and tail.
Prizm        "Watch where you go.  No fall down." the unicorn tells you in a small voice.
       You blink several times and step back, stammering out a surprised apology.
       "Prizm, this is our guest.  Say hello." Sunny instructs.
        The unicorn regards you thoughtfully for a moment, then chimes out a gleeful " 'lo!!"  Before you can gather your wits enough to respond, Prizm bounds away, Sunny following suite in the opposite direction.
       "Wait!!" you cry to the bouncing sun that's serving as your guide, your cry causing him to slow to a stop where he remains bouncing in place.  
       When you catch up to him again, you look up at him through eyes squinted against the brightness, your words coming in pants. "They... they talk... how?... Why?... This doesn't... make sense...."
Bluebell          "What doesn't make sense?"  comes a  chipper new voice from behind you.
       "Jewel!! Watch out!! Bluebell's about to..." Before Sunny can finish his warning, you turn to see a deep blue colored unicorn with butterfly-type wings pounce the rainbowed unicorn, both of them tumbling into the daisies.  
        "Tag!! Yew it!!!" chitters the blue wonder while once again taking flight.
        You stare in utter amazement at the blue speck growing smaller as it departs with Prizm giving chase, then blink slowly turning to look at the beautifully prismed unicorn shaking daisy petals from her snowy mane.  So captivated by her shimmering colors are you that you don't hear her speaking until she stops all movement to look back at you.
         "It's not polite to stare ye know."
        You stammer over apology and explination while Sunny bounces around with peals of laughter ringing through the field.
        "Oh, it's quite alright," Jewel says. "You get rather used to it after a while."  In a graceful folding of her right front leg, she lowers in a curtsey-ish manner then rises again. "My name is Jewel, and while it is a pleasure to meet you, I must be trotting off now. I'm it you know!!"  Without a gleeful laugh the prismatic unicorn gallops off in the direction that Bluebell and Prizm had gone.
        "Looks like that's about it, dear guest.  The rest of the ponies must be off playing games or having a tea party!"  Sunny bounces again into peals of laughter with images of an equine tea party in his mind and soon you find yourself alone, faced with yet another choice of paths.

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last updated 05/09/01




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